what shouldn’t end when this pandemic does// guest post

Who else can’t wait for this pandemic to end?? But, when it does, there are at least 4 good things that we shouldn’t stop doing!!

Thank you to today’s guest Grace @The Worthy Beloved for writing this thoughtful, inspiring post and then agreeing to share it here with us too! Make sure to check out her blog!!

Grace: Hello all! I’m Grace Cox, a former homeschooler living in Texas, and I’m so honored to have been invited on this lovely blog. A big thank you to Anna and Pearl for having me. 🙂 

Remember back to a few months ago when the majority of us thought that this virus was a joke and something people were overreacting to?

It was after my family and I came home from worship on a Wednesday night to find out that the NBA was canceled that we realized that this wasn’t a small joke anymore because America loves their sports, one does not simply cancel them, and yet, they did.

Now here we are, most of us have been in lockdown or a shelter-in-place of some sort and it’s starting to feel like this will never end and like this is our new normal.

However, everything earthly eventually ends.

If I was going to be dramatic, I would write that this pandemic could last until Jesus comes back, but then, that also could be in the next five minutes so it would still be a short life lived for this virus.

Eventually, we know that this pandemic panic will end and people will start working to put their lives together after being out of work, it might take a while, but this will end. 

What shouldn’t end?

This has been a question on my mind lately.

I don’t know about you, but I am ashamed to admit that I’ve listened to more sermons and spent more time in God’s word these two months than I have since the first two months of becoming a Christian.

So, here’s what shouldn’t end when the lockdown does. Here’s what we shouldn’t stop doing when we stop social distancing:

      1. Taking the time to study God’s word

1 Thessalonians 5:17 tells us to pray without ceasing. 

Without ceasing means incessantly, regularly. Are you incessant with your prayers?

Why does it have to take a pandemic to get us to draw closer to Him? Let it be our hearts, our desire to learn and live for Him that draws us closer. Not free time, anxiety, and boredom.

We make time for what is important to us, so let’s make time for the Bible. Let us prioritize Him, even when life gives us additional priorities.

     2. Spending time with our families

I hope that this time has helped many to realize how much they need each other.

However, I do hope this time has helped people re-evaluate and come up with plans to continue to grow their relationship with their parents, siblings, and children at this time.

Our relationship with our loved ones matters, and we need to continue to make time for them.

       3. Checking on our friends

“Therefore comfort each other and edify one another, just as you also are doing.”-1 Thessalonians 5:11

Once again, I didn’t do this as much before, and honestly, I’m still terrible at it.

But during this time, I’m sure most of us have been reaching out to people more often with “how are you?” and encouragement.

Why stop after this?

Technology is such a blessing in this regard because we can be in touch in six seconds, so why stop using it to be there for others even when you aren’t in person?

        4. Focusing on being grateful

“In everything give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”-1 Thessalonians 5:18

I’ve seen so much acknowledgment and gratefulness online.

I’ve seen people with good hearts for helping others and once again, let’s keep on working on not only being grateful but realizing how blessed we are to be capable of helping others with greater needs than our own.

This pandemic will end, but let’s not put the lessons we learned during this time to the side and let’s keep using them in our daily lives!!

What would you add to this list? What are some things you’ve learned in this pandemic?

As always, stay safe and stay in the word. ~Grace


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