Day 1: the hairstyle with no name

Hey ya’ll! Pearl here, with Day 1 of the hairstyle challenge! Are you up for it?

Happy Monday! Big thanks to all the gals who enthusiastically accepted our challenge to try a new, fast hairstyle every day this week!

use 2.jpg

This flip-braid-thing is the hairstyle with no name, and it, unfortunately, truly has NO name. Nada. Anna and I tried and tried to find the real name, but we have no idea what it is. 😛 😂

Anyway, I LOVE this style! I did it on myself after watching the hairstyle tutorial below, and I was really surprised at how quickly it could be done! It literally took me about 2 minutes and boom, I had a hairstyle I wore all day! 😀


Also, it was really easy to do on myself because it was over my shoulder. I didn’t have to stretch my arms until they were terribly sore, trying to do something behind my head. 😂

This is super cute styled with a baseball cap for a more sporty look or a stocking cap/tam o’shanter like I did.

Learn This Style:

(Start at 1:51 to see how to do this flip-braid thing. Also, the whole video is great!)

My hair is a longer length and curly and dark, but I think this style can work on anyone’s hair… It will especially show up in lighter hair. And if your hair is a little shorter, you can do fewer flips.

A great way to make the braid look boofier is loosening it by pulling on the outside strands of hair in the flipped-sections.


Whadya think? Try it on yourself today!! (We really wouldn’t mind if you sent pictures too! *hint hint* 😉 )


47 thoughts on “Day 1: the hairstyle with no name

    1. Well, I tried for a while to do it. But my hair, once pulled to the side, becomes shorter. I couldn’t manage to do two, and having only one looks dumb. 😂 So I guess day 1’s hairstyle is a no-go for me. *shrug* Oh well.

      Liked by 2 people

  1. This was really easy and fun to do! I can’t believe how easy and pretty it is! I didn’t have time to comment before, plus I was worried you wouldn’t have posted it yet. Thanks for posting early!! 😀

    Liked by 2 people

        1. Glad to hear it’s helpful that we’re posting these early (we literally schedule the posts for 3 AM for the peep’s different time zones XD). IKR?? I couldn’t believe how fast and easy but how nicely I-actually-did-something-nice-with-my-hair-ish it was!!
          YAY! Two poofs are perfect!!
          Thank you for doing this challenge with us, Ara! 😀

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          1. You’re welcome! Today I started a French braid, but my hair got thicker so I ended with a ponytail, so a it was a half-braid-half-ponytail!!! What time zone do you live in? I’m EST. This was really helpful, you should do something like this again!

            Liked by 1 person

            1. Awesome the variation worked for you!! Sounds really cute!
              I’m currently in the Pacific time zone. 😉 Wow, great to hear it’s been so helpful!! Maybe we’ll do something similar again! 😀

              Liked by 1 person

  2. I LOVE that hairstyle but my hair is too short for it at the moment. (I usually get my hair cut shorter in the summer and then it grows out so it’s longer again in the winter.) 😉 Plus it’s layered, so I can’t even do a bun. 😦 But once it gets longer, I’ll totally try your hairstyle ideas! I’m so glad SOMEONE is actually posting quick and easy hairstyles! XD

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hey, that’s a fun plan!! Well cool… until then!! 😀
      I’m glad you’re glad of it, lol!! That’s our aim: styles people can like actually DO and do QUICKLY for their normal day! 😉

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