5 fashion tips for summer weather

Y’all asked for more style posts, so we made a video of Anna’s summer style tips!

Filmed on our loud front porch 😛 by Pearl!


  1. nail polish- $3 (white gel) WinCo
  2. shorts- $5 (Boy Scout uniform) thrift store
  3. tank- $8 Target (totally worth the money)
  4. scrunchie- make your own!
  5. plaid shirt- $5? thrift store


Hope you enjoyed!! I’d love to hear your tips!


7 thoughts on “5 fashion tips for summer weather

  1. Ooh, so cute! I love that white nail polish, I have a white, but it’s not gel so maybe I should try the one you suggested! Also, Target is the best, I’ve found so many great things there! 👍

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