Story Saturday// 99c “Enjoy the Poodle Skirt”

Welcome back to another Story Saturday!! You should read this (literally) sweet, short ebook. 🙂

What is Story Saturday? Each Saturday, we’ll let you know about amazing book or audiobook sales, free short stories, etc… Basically any stories you can get your hands on without spending all $2 in your piggy bank! Enjoy our fangirly recommending, or skip to the section titled “Okay, here’s the deal”. 😉

2018-10-06 (1)

Enjoy the Poodle Skirt is a super sweet, delicious short mystery with a vintage-y feel. And lots of icecream… Which is the best combination, right?!

And you should read it because it is adorable and the characters and the diner feel so real and amazing! And, ahhhh!!! Also, poodle skirts. 😀

2018-10-27 (1)
this brilliant word was invented by the author

Okay, here’s the deal…

Download Enjoy the Poodle Skirt by Kate Willis for just 99c here!


Rule one: Keep your hands clean.
Rule two: Careful with the food trays.
Rule three: Visit the soda fountain as often as you like, but don’t make yourself sick.
Rule four: Enjoy the poodle skirt.

Canary is excited to spend a whole week helping her newlywed aunt and uncle run a 50’s diner along with her older siblings Rose and Michael. Even the rules for working there are fun! But when a routine cleanup presents a mysterious, hand-drawn map, her vacation gets even more exciting than a banana split with hot fudge sauce. And that’s saying a lot!

Buy on Amazon here.

Read Goodreads reviews here.


What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

Are you feeling a little “snungry”? Tata! *leaves to get a snack, which is, sorrowfully, not ice cream*



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20 thoughts on “Story Saturday// 99c “Enjoy the Poodle Skirt”

    1. Ah same here!! It’s a good problem to have, tho. 😆 ❤
      Enjoy the Poodle Skirt is especially cool, cause it is a quick, in-between-doing-things kind of length. 😉
      Okay, hang on, I just realized I'm not following your blog… HOW?!! Well I'm following now. 😂😂 Thanks for the comment, Liz! And fist bump for humongous TBR lists 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. That’s true. XD Mhm! I’ve been looking forward to it for awhile, but haven’t actually gotten around to it.
        Haha, thank you!! 😀 ❤ No problem! Haha, fist bump! 😛

        Liked by 1 person

  1. The short story sounds great! 👍 this post has definitely left me ‘snungry’ – I’d love a mint choc chip ice cream right now!! 😂 Autumn x

    Liked by 1 person

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